Every business thrives on productivity, but none more so than metal fabrication shops. There are strict timelines and quotas throughout the day, and when jobs don’t run efficiently, the whole shop is affected. Manual press brakes can really slow the production process down. Here are three ways your manual press brake machine limits productivity.

Susceptible to Errors

A big issue with manual press brakes is that they are susceptible to errors. Human error is inevitable; even with the most skilled operators, mistakes still happen. With an electric press brake, your operator simply programs the job and you’re ready to run. Which leads to another great benefit, since the job is already programmed this makes repeatability a breeze. Stop throwing money out the window, an electric press break eliminates the pain of stopping and starting jobs, keeping your projects on track and reducing unneeded material waste, saving you valuable time and money.

Limited Resources

Let’s face it; finding qualified talent these days is hard, and manual press brakes often require more than one operator. With electric press brakes you can greatly reduce the number of operators required for a job. Which allows you to free up your valuable assets for other jobs greatly reducing operator cost per job. Protect your resources with electric press brakes. Operating a manual press brake is just as it sounds: manual. Manual repetition over and over again leads to fatigue for your operators, which opens the door to mistakes, accidents and injuries. With an electric press brake, you can greatly reduce the risks to your operators and protect your workforce.

Not As Precise

One of the biggest challenges with manual press brakes is that they simple are not as precise as their electric counterparts. Operators can calculate the most precise measurements for a job, but they will never be able to produce “true” accuracy that can be accomplished on an electric press brake. This manual process leaves operators making tweaks well after the job should have been completed. Which brings up another great point of concern. As mentioned above, accurate repeatability is nearly impossible with a manual press brake, leaving operators to manually tweak job after job to come somewhere close to a replicated product. With an electric press brake, repeatability is made simple, saving operators valuable time comparing bends and cuts for accuracy.

These are three ways your manual press brake machine limits productivity, but thankfully there are solutions for these challenging problem. You should invest in an electric metal press brake from Mac-Tech, Inc. We have multiple different machines that would be great in your shop, and we also offer additional customizable options to fit your shop’s specific needs.

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